Body Life
A church is an organism composed of many parts. For that reason, we seek to make sure that the members have "the same care one for another". This takes place through various means. We encourage members to join a smaller, focused discipleship ministry in which more one-on-one discipling and interaction will take place. We encourage members to take up the 'one another' commandments of the New Testament and obey them with each other. This results in visits, hospitality, meals for the sick and ailing, and informal get-togethers. It also results in involvement in organised ministries, so as to care for one another. We encourage prayer for each other. Through the use of a prayer chain, and a 'prayer diary' with member's names and ministry needs, we seek to foster prayer for one another. Our Wednesday meeting also affords the time for testimonies, making needs known and prayer for one another. We encourage attendance at organised fellowship events, such as hikes, picnics, after-service fellowship, and the fellowship meal.We encourage attendance at the Lord's Supper. This is the ultimate symbol that we are 'one loaf' as we together partake, and emphasize our union in Christ.